Church Service Hours:  Sunday Service: 10:00am and 11:00am (OPEN TO THE PUBLIC)

What happens during church service?

A: A lot of different things can happen, but here are the most common things:

Singing/Music – We believe that one of the main reasons God gave us singing voices was for using them in worship. We believe that music communicates more than mere words. We love to sing together, praising God with our whole hearts.

Prayer – We pray as a community each Sunday morning at South. Many prayers are offered as we worship. There are often times for individuals to come to the front of our sanctuary and offer silent prayers. There are also times to come and be prayed for by someone else, whether for asking Jesus to become Lord of your life, for healing, or for a host of other reasons. At the end of the service there is always a time to respond to God by coming forward, kneeling, or sitting on the first row of chairs.

Scripture Reading – We are committed to scripture, God’s written word, at South. We regularly read scripture together aloud and/or listen as others read. We believe that scripture is one of the main ways that God communicates with us. In worship we listen and hear the word of God together. When we are not together, we let God speak to us as we lean on His word from day to day.

Message – We listen to a message each Sunday. Although Pastor Ed preaches the majority of the time, a variety of other voices, both male and female, speak during our Sunday services. The sermons we hear are scripture based. The style is casual and personal. We listen to the message as it is preached, asking God to reform our ways of thinking, making us more like Christ Jesus.

Giving – We have a time of giving each week. We believe it is imperative that we as Christians give back to God, in an act of trust, a portion of the wealth He gives us. These gifts are carefully used to spread the love of God in many God-honoring ways in our neighborhood and around the world.

Communion – We have communion once a month. Communion is a time when we reenact a very special meal that Jesus had with his disciples just before he died on the cross. We give out small pieces of bread and small cups of juice that represent

Unity in Faith Church
Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, Matt;6:33
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